The HK Prize for Science and Technology Innovation

Gambling Mar 14, 2025

Hong Kong’s racing prize money and incentives are set to reach new heights next season with the Club reaffirming its long-term commitment to providing the right incentives for owners to continue investing in world-class horses. The overall prize pool for the 2022/23 season has risen by 11.5%, including significant increases for distance races and a new bonus system, taking the total to more than HK$1.62 billion.

The BOCHK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PRIZE is a merit-based award sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. It is designed to promote scientific and standardized management of the award through a strict evaluation process. A Review Committee is set up according to the award fields and consists of experts of great academic, specialist or professional standing. The review procedure is independent and transparent.

Candidates are nominated by individuals or organizations. The Selection Committee assesses nominees’ work based on predetermined criteria, and selects the highest scoring candidate in each category. The finalists are recommended to the Board of the HK Prize for official approval. Once the selection process is completed, winners are publicly announced at a high-profile awards ceremony, with a monetary prize and trophy.

The first HK Prize was awarded to five individuals and a group for their efforts in the field of global Hong Kong studies, reflecting our city’s rich cultural diversity and its global impact. Since its inception, the HK Prize has given recognition to pioneers and leaders who have made outstanding contributions to Hong Kong’s global influence, contributing to its social progress and shaping our future on the world stage.

A total of HK$10,000 will be awarded to the winners and runners-up in each category. In addition, a panel of judges will also select an Honorable Mention. The winning articles will be published in the ICAS journal, which will be distributed to more than 6,000 libraries worldwide.

Hong Kong’s education is thriving as its students are the most highly educated in Asia and the top in the world for math and science. But we still have a lot of work to do to make sure every student gets the education they deserve.

HK Prize is now accepting innovative ideas on how to establish an Official Development Assistance programme for Hong Kong, which will shape our role in the world and help improve people’s lives. For more information, visit the hk prize website. You can find the application forms and other resources there.